by Uncustomary | Dec 15, 2015 | Self-Love
I met Phoenix through Joe over a year ago. She’s full of life and way more experience than you’d expect someone so young to have. Since meeting her, I’ve learned a lot from her and been on multiple camping trips with her. She’s invited me into...
by Uncustomary | Sep 4, 2015 | Self-Love
I’ve been a huge fan of Louise Androlia’s Instagram for a long while now, but until recently I had no idea she had a blog or this whole other internet presence where she helps others and herself take over the world. She’s vibrant, inspiring, and...
by Uncustomary | Jul 30, 2015 | Creativity
I don’t even know how many years I’ve been following Sarah of Yes and Yes. She’s extremely successful, talented, and well-rounded. I love interacting with her online, and would be so excited to meet her in person! Today, I’m honored to...
by Uncustomary | Jun 8, 2015 | Creativity, Snail Mail
I first met Taradactyl through the mail art community. Every piece of communication she sent to my PO Box was wrapped in tangible love, and I just couldn’t get enough. She’s my first ever Featured Sponsor, and I’m interviewing her today on her...
by Uncustomary | Apr 15, 2015 | Creativity
Sophie is the twenty-something beauty and book lover behind Nana Wintour, where you’ll find a healthy dose of beauty and books with the occasional daily life post thrown in for good measure. I did an interview with her you can find below! 1) What got you...