Blind Books

Blind Books

One day, Michelle sent me a link for an image on Tumblr that showed books all wrapped up, with clues written on the front as to what they’re about. I decided that was a brilliant idea, and I decided to recreate it. I got about eight books at The Book Thing (for...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

Happy Open An Umbrella Indoors Day! Have you celebrated yet? Or are you too superstitious? I’m not superstitious. I’m just a little stitious.Anyway, last week I didn’t do a Weekly Happiness post, because I was trying to stay away from social media,...
Zip Tie Bomb

Zip Tie Bomb

Months ago, my friend sent me a link for this zip tie bomb (which was done in New York, I believe). I thought it was an awesome idea and I wrote it down on my street art to do list. I ended up incorporating it as my 16th Fun A Day project.   I used the bright zip ties...
Illuminated Umbrella

Illuminated Umbrella

For my 15th Fun A Day project I drew inspiration from luzinterruptus who does a lot of street art installations involving light. They had a specific project involving an umbrella and plants that I decided to recreate. Instead of using a plant, though, I had a string...
Tearable Pun Flyers

Tearable Pun Flyers

For my 14th Fun A Day project, I posted up some “Tearable Puns” flyers around the city. This was not an original idea and you can see many other versions here. It was still really fun. A woman walked backwards to do a double take as I was taping one up...