I interrupt your regularly scheduled programming of re-releasing old content every week on self-love to talk about a very important issue. I recorded a new podcast on Black Lives Matter and how to use your privilege to end your privilege. I talk about what’s going on in the world and give you 12 tangible steps on how to take action now. This is a completely different tone than you might be used to, but it’s important and I’m using my platform as a place to practice what I preach, which is exactly what I talk about in this episode: to not stay quiet and complicit in hate crimes and murders. Black Lives Matter and I’m not going to shut up about it. Let’s talk about it.
Also check out:
- Use Your White Privilege To End Your White Privilege
- How To Use Your White Privilege To End Your White Privilege
- Black Lives Matter
Lastly, if you’d like to apply to be an interviewee on Uncustomary Love, please fill out this form.