One morning, I woke up with an insane urge to paint my legs. I was on the phone with Michelle, and I told her about my urge and she suggested rolling around on a “Mary Sized” piece of paper. I didn’t have any paper that big, but I did have a bunch of white card stock.
I went outside, and used some of the remaining paint from the Paint A Person event to cover my legs.
And then I rolled around on top of the paper.
I got some really cool results, and you should probably keep an eye out in your mailbox. You might just get a postcard that I painted (without my hands) sent to you! If I cut into fours, I can easily get 40 postcards out of this project. And we all know how badly you want to own something my butt has been on.
The first ten people to comment on this post will get a postcard for sure, though. If you don’t think I have your address, make sure your e-mail is filled out in the comment form and I’ll message you to get it.
[edit] We’re over 10 comments now, but keep going because I love you guys.
I had paint on my legs for a couple days afterward. It was way harder to get off than the paint from the paint fight, which I think is because I was rubbing it into my skin instead of getting it splattered on me from a distance.
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What a fun thing to do! A very cool way to make art.
Awesome I want to try this
I want one of these please:) also you’re gorgeous
You crack me up, Mary! I would love a butt print!
Have a wonderful day!
HEY! I’d love one of these postcards!! Have a beautiful day =D
What I would have given to see this.
Oh my gosh I want one!
Oooh! I want one! Very fun idea!
I ABSOLUTELY need a postcard that your butt has touched! xoxoxox
Hilarious and fun! You’re amazing. <3
Mary, you are a treat! Yes, please!
Hahahaha! Awesome!
I hope I still get one. 🙁
You know exactly how much we all want something your butt has touched.
Haha! These are awesome! They did turn out pretty cool. Sometimes, you just have to follow your urges. 🙂
You are a riot! I’m currently in a cast(through August) so I won’t be following in your footsteps, so to speak, but I toadally enjoy your enthusiasm!!
This is fantastic, I totally have a huge girl crush on you. Thank you for making me laugh, for inspiring me to be brave and get silly.
How cute are you!! That just made my day <3 Go get silly, girl!
I may definitely do this sometime.
That is so creative! I have a [platonic] girl crush on you too. I love it when people do what makes them happy. Your blog rocks!! Thanks for the inspiration!
That’s so sweet! E-mail me your snail mail address, I have a few postcards left, and I’d love to send you one.
This is hilarious. Your blog is so awesome!
Oh wow, thanks Tricia!!