Not everyone believes in new year’s resolutions, and I understand that. Getting a new calendar doesn’t automatically ignite a fire of motivation under your butt. I firmly believe that if you want to make a change you can do that on August 10th, Cinco De Mayo, or the day that you start therapy. You control your actions, and can decide whenever and whatever you want to change. That being said, January is just a good as time as any other. Michelle and I have decided to make a goal for 2014 that we can address all year. A Peacock Vow, if you will.This means that even when my “goal due date” is up on my 26th birthday, I will continue to work on this goal. For more information on the history of Peacock Vows check out Michelle’s introductory post.
My goal for 2014 is to consistently expand my business. This means creating a larger following, diversifying my income, and producing inspiring material that speaks for itself. I want to reach more people and just do more, more, more!
Today I’m introducing the topic on Uncustomary Art, but for the next ten months, I will be posting the progress on my goal on Michelle’s blog, and she will be posting on mine. It will be an honest adventure, including our frustrations and future ideas. You can follow our progress, and update us on yours! We will be posting on the second Friday of every month.
If you have a goal, you can join the Peacock Brigade and continually report back. Link us to your posts in the comments, and we’ll be happy to be a part of your journey and provide feedback. As a part of the Peacock Brigade, you can look forward to giveaways and special mailing projects. Why not grab a button for your sidebar?
So here’s to 2014! I’m looking forward to working on my Peacock Vow, and seeing Michelle’s and your progress. Let’s be a support network for each other.
I still don’t know what I want to do with myself yet.
I’m in. This is exactly the thing I needed to get things I want and need to done this year! I’ll be back soon with what that goal is, I need to make my mind up first…
Ok, I’m in! Time to get my design work into a portfolio: