When It Is Not Just Sadness
We have all been sad at times but for some of us it goes beyond just being sad. Sometimes, it is clinical depression that is causing us to feel so sad. In fact, you may not even be feeling sad. You may just be feeling like something is missing in your life and you do not know what or you may just be feeling lost. Whatever you are feeling, just know that you can talk to someone. There is always someone to talk to about anything.
What is Clinical Depression?
Clinical depression is a very common mental health disorder that affects approximately 16 million adults in the United States. Anyone can be affected but it affects women twice as much as it does men. Depression can be a most distressing disease because anyone can feel sad when something bad happens but depression is when you are at a party and you just feel incredibly sad all of a sudden for no reason. Some say it is a chemical imbalance of the brain that makes you feel sad or disinterested in life but there are many other theories. In fact, it may be hereditary or it could be caused by an underlying physical illness such as diabetes or heart disease.
What Are the Symptoms?
Although the symptoms of depression may vary, the most common signs include:
- Feelings of sadness that last more than two weeks
- Lack of interest in things you usually enjoy
- Extreme fatigue
- Random aches and pains
- Changes in sleep (sleeping more or less than usual)
- Weight loss or gain
- Loss of appetite
- Feeling guilty or hopeless
- Inability to concentrate
- Memory loss
- Thoughts of suicide
What Causes Depression?
There are many things that may cause depression. It is different for everyone, of course. It may be triggered by something major that has happened in your life recently or it may just gradually have snuck up on you with no reason whatsoever. Some of the most common causes are:
- Imbalance in brain chemicals: Hormones or other chemicals may be imbalanced or there may be a medical condition affecting part of your brain.
- Trauma: Some types of abuse, neglect, and other traumatic incidents can cause depression.
- Hereditary: It is proven that many mental health disorders run in families.
- Environmental: Some studies have shown that extreme poverty, divorce, and where a person lives can cause depression.
What You Can Do
Talk to someone. That is the first and most important thing you can do. Right now. If you do not have a therapist and you do not want to talk to someone you know such as a family member or friend, go online and find a therapist to talk to. There are many different sites available with professional and licensed therapists you can reach 24 hours a day. You do not even need an appointment in most cases. In fact, you can talk to them online, on the phone, email, and even through text messaging. Whatever you are most comfortable with. Because, when you are feeling depressed, it is hard enough to get up the energy to do anything so the easier it is for you, the better.