Recently, I’ve been trying to answer questions you all have asked me. One of my favorites was, “What’s on your Fucket List? A list of things you never want to try.” I thought that was a really interesting concept! There are so many things I desperately want to experience, there are more that I’d try if the opportunity presented itself, and there are some that I have absolutely no desire to get near with a ten-foot pole!
There is nothing wrong with knowing what you don’t want. There is a limited amount of time we have on this earth, and thought power in our minds. It’s totally fine to prioritize things in your life, to make room in your life for the things you crave, the things that bring you joy.
Today I’m going to share my “Fucket List”, it’s full of things that you might think “duh, of course you don’t want to do that”, and things that you might actually have on your real bucket list!
Fucket List
Run a marathon
Eat brains, testicles, or anything else I deem gross like snails
Climb Mount Everest
Get my eyebrow or septum pierced
Get stung by a jellyfish
Have/adopt a baby
Go hunting
Heroin, intervenous drugs
Shoot a gun
Kiss Mitt Romney
Auto-erotic asphyxiation
Stab someone
Go skiing
Buy supplies from a bathroom attendant
Get divorced
Get a breast enhancement
Be incarcerated
Go to Russia
Change a diaper
Donate blood
Have sex with a prostitute
Go to a wax museum
Fight a bear
Be a vegetarian
Go fishing
Pull hair out of a dog’s butt
Own a rat or ferret
Eat a ghost pepper
Shave my head
Have a life-threatening illness
Get black-out drunk
Smoke cigarettes
The Cinnamon Challenge
Eat poop
Go to space
Dye my hair blonde
Put a pet to sleep
Learn Latin
Watch someone give birth
And here is a list of things I’ve already tried, but have no interest in doing again:
Go to church
Go to school
Do a belly flop in a pool
Watch Saw movies
Hang out with middle schoolers
Go to Canada
Ride that spinning circle carnival ride
Eat at Arby’s
Wear dress pants
Meet Ric Flair
Eat pot edibles
Okay, now I want to hear from you. Is there anything on my list that you enjoy doing or want to try? What’s on your fucket list?
Check out my real Bucket List.
[yks-mailchimp-list id=”b3fc318e75″ submit_text=”Get Happy!”]
Oh! Why don’t you want to go to Russia?
I don’t know, I figure there’s no way I’ll get to all the countries in my life time and there are certain ones I really have no interest in going to. There’s very little about Russian culture that fascinates/interests me. I have no interest in going to the state of Mississippi or Somalia, either. 🙂
Why don’t you want to go to a wax museum? That’s the only one that I didn’t immediately get. lol
I actually have Automatonophobia, which is the fear of wax statues, mannequins, dolls, etc. 🙂
Ohhh. Gotcha. Sorry!!
No worries, love! It’s a strange one. 🙂
hahaha! “meet Ric Flair” !
hmmm… I’m pretty sure I never want to:
have an affair
go on a cruise
get plastic surgery
eat a brain or a bug
live in a Mississippi, Wisconsin or Florida
go hunting
do cocaine or heroin
things i never want to do again:
get a band’s album cover tattooed on me
play the clarinet
work at ABC Home
eat at Olive Garden
build a chair
and to leave it on a posi note, here are some things I do want to do:
live in Europe
travel to Morocco
get a dog
win a costume design award
learn to read palms
perform in a band (again)
write a book
have a family
thanks for this!
xoxo Nikki Dee
Haha, you’re so welcome! And thank you for yours!! I’d love to go to Morocco, that place sounds awesome. What band album did you get tattooed on you? I’d definitely go on a cruise or build a chair either.
here’s my tattoo…family force 5’s Dance or Die album cover. hahaha
I get the feeling you are having way to much fun doing this. Some want rainbows and unicorns some keep the unicorns captive to drink their rainbow blood.
I mean it’s possible. I’m not ruling it out.
Shave my head. Totally on my bucket list.
I can totally see you rocking a shaved head.
This was fun to read. I would like to go to Russia if given the chance because their history’s interesting, plus I’d like to see the art museums, architecture, ballet, and also just see what kind of Cold War tensions are left over! I’ve done some of the things on your list (baby, breastfeeding, donate blood, eat at Arby’s, own a rat, get black out drunk, to name a few…) The only one I wouldn’t do again is get stinking drunk! That’s the WORST. And I guess I wouldn’t own a rat again either.
On my fucket list:
Mountain biking
Go to school (agree with you)
Purposefully watch any “caught on camera” fight or act of violence
Use almost any kind of drug, even cold medicine
Drink energy drinks
Own a cat
Go on birth control pills (used to, but there are other ways)
Purchase/shoot off fireworks
Shoot a gun
Be within reach of a monkey or primate
Feed a horse out of my hand
Be a dog-walker (used to, but no thanks)
I’ve been drunk plenty of times, I’ve just never actually blacked out. I drink energy drinks, am on birth control, and own a cat. I’ve also bought and shot fireworks and would totally feed a horse out of my hand! It’s so interesting to see where people overlap or completely disagree! Thanks for sharing, Erika.
The things on your fucket list that I have actually done (whether I liked it or not);
Have my eyebrow pierced (have removed it now)
Get stung by a jellyfish (not to be recommended)
Shoot a gun (not as fun as people might think)
Go to Russia (in the middle of the winter, and yes, it was freezing cold)
Be vegetarian
Go fishing (did it in my childhood, but have no intentions of doing it again)
Smoke sigarettes (yes, I’m one of those “stupid” smokers, and yes, I know it’s expensive and harmful)
Dye my hair blonde (never again)
Put a pet to sleep (not something that was fun, but had both a dog and a cat who grew old and had age-related illnesses, so it was the right thing to do, instead of prolonging their pain)
One of the things on your fucket list that I want to do, is run a marathon; mainly because I want to be healthier and have a goal to work towards.
Haha I would like to add pee on someone (for jellyfish stings or any other reason) to my list now that I think of it. Thanks for sharing the things you’ve done from my Fucket List, and I hope you do run a marathon! It’s a great goal for a lot of people, and I’m proud and impressed by people who are able to do it.
This is so good. I’m especially laughing at the hanging out with middle schoolers thing…there’s a reason I teach high school now, haha!
Hahahhaha. “I’m 29 years old, but if I’m walking down the street in broad daylight and see a group of 13-year-olds, I will walk across the street to avoid them. 13-year-olds are the meanest people in the world, they will make fun of you but in an accurate way. They’ll look at you and say, ‘Look at that high-waisted man, he’s got feminine hips!’ and I’ll be like, ‘NOOO, that’s the thing I’m sensitive about!'” — paraphrasing from a John Mulaney stand up. 🙂
Hahaha that’s brilliant! And, sadly, quite accurate.
I’ve eaten a ghost pepper and given blood, neither were super horrible. Putting a pet to sleep is something I never want to do again 🙁
But I totally agree, my “fucket” list is a mile long, and now, getting a master’s degree is #1 (even though my entire family is pushing me to go for one! ew!)
Loved this post. Totally agree with never wanting to kiss Mitt Romney. That would scar me for life.
Hahah, I get all crazy if the salsa is too spicy at a restaurant, so I’m fairly certain I would die if I ate a ghost pepper. And I pass out just when I have to give a blood sample for the doctor, so giving a pint would be no bueno. I don’t want to get a Master’s either, and I support you in not wanting to continue your education in that way. It sucks that you’re feeling pressure from your family, I’m sorry. xo (but the x is not from Romney)
Hahahahahahahaha! Sharing on The MM 😉
Interesting idea and when I read this list the first thing that came to my mind for the top of my fucket list is Pot holing. I think I’d have a panic attack!
Haha, is that like K holing, but with pot? I had that experience in May and it ruined me. I had to go back on extra meds because of it, it was insane. I’m better now, but it was absolutely terrible. I had a panic attack that lasted 3 hours and almost had to be taken to the hospital (but couldn’t because I couldn’t walk!). So yeah, I don’t recommend it.
I have no idea what K holing is!
Pot holing is like caving… I just googled I think the American term is ‘spelunking’ ? But yeah I don’t fancy crawling into a cave that I can’t stand up and turn around in! :-/
Haha, sorry I thought we were talking about drugs. I’ve never heard oh spelunking but that sounds unpleasant.
Haha no worries there are lots of things that get lost in translation between countries! 🙂
I’d never heard of a Fucket List before but this made me laugh, so now I want to compose mine! Hanging out with middle school kids is on both of our lists… I ended up with a middle school teaching position last year, instead of my usual elementary kiddos, and yeah…it’s a tough age. They can be pretty mean. Cruel, actually.
Right? They’re so mean!! Ahh. But I’m glad you like this idea, and let me know if you publish yours! Thanks for commenting, Kelly. 🙂
OMG, I LOVE THIS IDEA! Totally stealing this from you (but crediting you in return, of course)!
Haha, isn’t it fun? You should totally do it– link me over when you do, I wanna read!
It’s up!
Have done a good deal of these and a great deal of other stuff not on this list. Can confirm they belong on a Fucket List. Do not ever visit Lawrence Kansas. In fact just don’t ever visit Kansas.