Are you feeling festive? Have you started your holiday cards yet? Get a head start so you don’t stress yourself out later! If you’re in the DC area, you should come join me at the Postal Museum on Thursday the 12th for a mail social! Let me know if you need more information.

Here are my outgoing stats for November:

Postcards: 44
Envelopes: 68
Packages: 10
Total = 122


Two packages from Karen and one from Jeanne… they spoil me!

Lovely mail! Check out the back of Barb’s envelope

Whoever sent me the bottom right envelope.. please e-mail me your address!


Some of the envelopes I made at the last Postal Museum mail social

If you like the bottom right two postcards, check out Cara’s Etsy

Great free Baltimore postcards sent to multiple people

Amazing art print cards from Ikea, that I don’t think you can purchase in store anymore, but you can find similar prints here

That wavy orange postcard is the feet part of my walking penguin balloon

Special shout out to Ashley, whose letter I’m returning in the top right of this picture. She sent me a beautiful piece of mail art after reading my blog!

I hope that eye candy will hold you over for a little bit. I wish you all happy mailboxes and a festive start to the week!

What’s been in your mailbox lately?