May 14th is Chicken Dance Day, and I think it’s a fun one to celebrate. Last year, I put on my chicken nose and walked around downtown Baltimore with the song blasting on my phone, dancing up and down the stairs by the convention center, through crosswalks, and behind strangers.
This year, I went into the five boxes of costumes and props I keep in my closet and ended up tearing everything apart trying to find my chicken nose. I honestly have no idea where it went, that’s the only logical place it would be! So after Bug ripped apart some purple feathers from boas and carried them away as his new children, I went to the party store with Cristen to get a new one, only they didn’t have any this far away from Halloween. So what do people do when they want a chicken nose so bad but don’t have one? They make them out of paper plates!
Cristen and I went to the park near my house and went to do the dance on the merry-go-round, and while we were dancing two teenage girls came over and joined in! So cool, right? Spread the fun! You can check out the video below!
How did you celebrate Chicken Dance Day?
(It’s not too late. Listen to the song and do a dance of your own. I welcome videos of you dancing via e-mail, Facebook, etc.)
I’m the worst hahaha