Recently, I was asking for Instagram tips and someone said something which has been mentioned to me many times before, which is that they don’t like how much “nudity” I post on social media. I’ve been thinking about it, and here’s my response:

I don’t post nude photos, I post photos of fat flesh; my fat flesh. The difference between me sitting sans clothes on my back, side, legs, chest, stomach, etc. is that it doesn’t look “pretty” the way some may want it to. A thin woman sitting in the same position as me in this photo would never be accused of posting nude, even if there was no bra, because of the absence of fat. But when I do it, it’s controversial. Guess what? Both photos deserve the same amount of respect.

Fat Flesh Doesn't Equal Nudity | Uncustomary

I absolutely want to grow my Instagram following because I want to grow my business because I want to help people and I want to work for myself. But I don’t think body positivity is a gimmick, or something for me to “try out” or give up on. It’s a part of who I am. So understand that means I’ll be sharing images of me comfortably posing in my own skin occasionally (while adhering to Instagram’s guidelines), and I understand that means you don’t have to follow me. I want to empower people to love their bodies, and so far this has had a positive effect, so I’m not stopping.

This is how I roll


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