Cooter The Band

Cooter is a metal, grindcore, folk punk rock band from Baltimore, Maryland. A group of four friends joined together in the Summer of 2014 to create the musical sensation we know and love as Cooter. Cooter is a pocket band, meaning that they can and will be able to perform at the drop of a hat — they all carry their instruments around in their pockets. With Ashley Knight on cymbals, Nick Ingrassia on harmonica, Bradley Scott on the shakers, and Mary England on the kazoo, “Cooter comes together quite beautifully”m as Rolling Stone stated in a very official musical research paper.

This is Cooter’s first album, self-titled to give you a real insight into the essence of Cooter. With over three hundred tracks, you’re sure to find something that strikes your fancy. And remember, kids, Cooter is a lifestyle more than anything.

Cooter The Band

These songs include hits like “Cooter Calamity”, “Cooterbrick Road”, and “Hakuna-ma-Cooter”. Don’t miss out on this album and classics like “Lower-case Cooter”, “Cotton-Eye Cooter”, and “Get Out Of My Dreams (And Into My Cooter)”. Full list of tracks.

Get your album now for just $150! That’s just 50 cents a song! Songs that you can listen to over and over again. Now that’s a bargain!