Planning Your First Solo Trip: What You Need To Know

Planning Your First Solo Trip: What You Need To Know

  While you may not be able to jump a train through Europe or cruise the Carribean just yet due to COVID-19 restrictions, there are still so many safe options for checking out on some R&R. And what better way to social distance and vacation than booking your...
6 Ways To Keep Traditions Alive And Strong

6 Ways To Keep Traditions Alive And Strong

It’s fun to make new traditions (and uphold them). It might feel difficult to do that with changing environments that can feel restrictive based on our original baseline. For example, I love sunflowers (the most, they’re my favorite!), and I’ve...
Understanding Innovation in Healthcare

Understanding Innovation in Healthcare

With the world changing every day as we know it, there is a lot more to come when you consider how innovative people are. There are many industries who are benefiting from innovation including the tech industry and the healthcare industry. In this article, we are...
10 Hacks for Happy Life Discovered by Swedes

10 Hacks for Happy Life Discovered by Swedes

Top 10 Swedish Hacks for Balanced Life Swedish are known worldwide for leading some of the most fulfilling and balanced lives around and there are many secrets that go into it. In this article, we reveal the top 10 Swedish life hacks that every Swede should know and...
5 Ways to Balance Work and Self Care

5 Ways to Balance Work and Self Care

  Dedicating the time and energy to prioritize yourself doesn’t always come easy. This is especially true given that many of us are working from home now. In fact, 42 percent of the US labor force is working remotely. Not only is it mind-boggling that almost half...
How To Use CBD Oil For Gynecological Health

How To Use CBD Oil For Gynecological Health

  Cannabis has been used for ages by women in promoting gynecological health. Ancient Mesopotamian texts suggest that cannabis was mixed with other herbs to treat various women’s health-related issues, like period pain. In the 1800s, Queen Victoria made the...