Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Uncustomary Art

A while back, I became a coordinator/official helper-outer of the 100 Happy Days Foundation, you know, the one that challenges you to document your happiness for 100 days in a row? Well, last month, they contacted me to ask if I would consider hosting a local event as part of the annual international flash mob, The Bubble Parade. I was in there like swimwear.

Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Kree Wiede
Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Sarah Raymond

My event was in Baltimore at 1 pm, on the same day as events held in over thirty other cities, including Lithuania, Singapore, and Uganda! Everyone did their own take on it, but the common theme was a ton of bubbles! Bubbles, bubbles, everywhere. Our Baltimore Bubblers met at the 7-11 on The Avenue in Hampden, where we mingled and I passed out dozens of free bubble supplies.

Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Bonnie Schupp
Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Daniela Mileykovsky

Everyone was dressed to the nines! I asked that everyone show up in colorful, sparkly gear, and I wasย not disappointed. Rainbows, tutus, head boppers! We had a dog on a skateboard and a juggler in a pin-striped spandex suit! Hula hoops and ribbon wands were moving with us, it was like a walking dream. Baltimore’s quirkiness was accurately represented, and I was so happy to see people of all ages come together to walk in a giant circle around one of my favorite neighborhoods in Charm City.

Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Bonnie Schupp
Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Uncustomary Art

We actually ended up cutting the route a little short, just because it wasย so hot outside. People were sweating and running out of bubbles! I learned a lot with this event, and haveย so manyย ideas for next year! Although this was a bit of a guinea pig event for me, it was still a huge success. I’m so excited to make next year’s even better (and bigger)!

Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Bonnie Schupp
Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Sarah Raymond

Thank you to everyone who came out on a Sunday to spread some happiness for the pure reason of fun and joy! It was a very beautiful experience, for both the participants and the people who saw us from afar. Gorgeous humans created rainbow orbs into our sky! How amazing!

Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Bonnie Schupp
Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Nadja Atalanta Tathata Martens

You can check out the Bubble Feed, or just check out #bubbleparade or #bubbleparadebaltimore on your social media accounts. I also made a gallery on Facebook andย Flickr for you to browse through of more photos from both myself and participants! It was really great to see different perspectives of the same event through different lenses!

Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Bonnie Schupp
Baltimore Bubble Parade - 100 Happy Days | Uncustomary Art
Photo Credit: Rosalie Heller

I host events every month in Baltimore. You can check out links for upcoming events and see past ones, or connect with me on Facebook for alerts.