The Stress-Free Guide To Moving

The Stress-Free Guide To Moving

Moving can be unbelievably stressful. You have to pack up everything that you own and move on a specific date at a specific time. You need to worry about how to wrap up fragile items and whether anything will break en route to your new home. Then, of course, there’s...
Miss Cleo Tarot Card Deck Giveaway

Miss Cleo Tarot Card Deck Giveaway

Remember Miss Cleo? What a nostalgic 90’s throwback. Well, I came into a bunch of these old school Miss Cleo Tarot card deck packs with not only the deck, but a booklet and a VHS tape! Super ridiculous and amazing… and I’m giving away five of them!...
Paying It Forward As An Act of Kindness to Oneself

Paying It Forward As An Act of Kindness to Oneself

“Making money is a happiness; making other people happy is a super-happiness” — Nobel Peace Prize recipient Muhammad Yunus We all deserve to pursue happiness, in small ways on a daily basis and through larger, well thought-out strategies that involve something larger...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

I feel like I’ve been living my life from a script this week. I drew three Tarot cards last night and my reading of past, present, and future basically said that what’s been going on is an utter shit show, I’m currently handling it like a badass, and...