Self care is a hugely important way to practice self-love. In fact, it’s one of the more actionable ways to begin incorporating self love into your life. Self-care is about taking care of your mind, body, and overall spirit and essence. There are many ways to do this!
If you’re interested in beginning self-care, I made you a list of 50 ways to start, just in time for the new year! Start this year off on the right foot, by putting your personal needs first! Make loving and nurturing yourself your number one priority, and your additional goals and dreams will be easier to accomplish and fall into place!
I made you a FREE e-course on self-care! Check it out, or just enter your name and e-mail below to get started right now!
50 Ways To Practice Self-Care
- Put your own needs first– being selfish sometimes is okay!
- Find a therapist you get along with and explore your feelings with them
- Take yourself out on a date doing something you’ve always wanted to try
- Sit under a mood or “happy” lamp
- Turn your phone and other electronics off, freeing yourself of obligation and obsession
- Treat yourself to a spa treatment, as simple as a pedicure
- Have Naked Time
- Do things that make you laugh, or try Laughter Yoga
- Take a bubble bath with a book, bath bomb, essential oils, candles, music, and/or toys
- Stop saying sorry when you don’t need to
- Treat yourself to a nap
- Make a list of the things that your body miraculously does every day on its own
- Get a massage or practice self massage
- Get your body moving in a fun way, like dancing or hula hooping
- Take a B-12 Vitamin
- Buy yourself a new sex toy and use it
- Spend quality time with a cute, cuddly animal
- Make a delicious salad that leaves you full
- Change your hair, make-up, wardrobe, and/or home decor to reflect your current mood and mindset
- Actually take your lunch break– leave the building!
- Keep a running list of nice things that people say to you
- Create a morning ritual that you stick to, starting each day on the right foot
- Cut back on caffeine and refined sugars, especially later in the day
- Allow yourself to remove or let go of the negative/draining people in your life
- Listen to my self love playlist
- Participate in a drum circle
- Go to an event you want to go to, even if your friends don’t want to go with you
- Sunbathe, soaking up some Vitamin D
- Cuddle with someone you love and trust, get that Oxytocin neurotransmitter flowing!
- Search for beautiful things, and make a verbal note of them as you go about your day
- Pick up and move, quit your job, and/or break up a toxic relationship– give yourself permission to leave miserable situations you don’t need to “stick out”
- Keep a happy journal
- Spend time outside, be it in the depths of a forest, a sandy beach, or your backyard
- Practice deep breathing, getting way more oxygen to your brain and blood
- Make time to touch your skin, cover yourself in moisturizing lotion or essential oils once a day
- Keep good-smelling things around your home, like candles, aromatherapy, incense, etc.
- Consistently search for new music and have good playlists for specific moods on your phone, iPod, or in your CD collection– listening to the radio can be a cop out, take control of your listening pleasure!
- Blow off steam in a healthy way– it’s okay to cuss, sigh, scream, and cry
- Allow yourself to rest and/or do something mindless like vegging with Netflix, reading trashy magazines, or just staying in bed all day
- Make sure you’re drinking a ton of water, maybe get yourself a new cute water bottle that will encourage you to drink more throughout the day
- Watch cute, funny, and heartwarming YouTube videos that will make you feel happy
- Get out of town for a bit if you can, plan a weekend trip or just a day trip to completey shake things up
- Declutter your home and workspace and try incorporating the practice of feng shui into your home decor
- Say no to things you don’t want to do, including feeling guilty about saying no!
- Prioritize sleep– 7 or 8 hours will make a huge different from 4 to 6
- Try chanting, it can be a positive affirmation you create, a mantra you read online, or just a simple “Om”
- Create something just for fun; it could be a craft, a short story, some choreography, a fancy outfit, crazy make-up, a painting, an installation, a party, a playlist, a new game, a letter, etc.
- Delete people on social media who you don’t like, stress you out, or emotionally drain you– you don’t owe anyone anything!
- Eat nutritious foods, for real– it makes a giant difference
- Stop holding your pee– go to the bathroom!!
Another great idea is to make yourself a self care kit for emergencies or consistent use!
Want a list of things you might want to put into your Self Care Kit? I’ve got one for you! Get 35 free ideas right now.
Okay, what did I miss? How do you practice self care?
haha i love the last one! i needed that! these are great for people with depression/anxiety/eating disorders
Feeling boosted while reading… Great
That’s amazing! Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Call your mother and ask her to help you take care of the house, tell your girlfriends what you re dealing with, seek out others in the same situation as you, and make sure your partner is on your team. Not only can they help with practical tasks, they will give you lot s of moral support and you ll feel less alone.
Great suggestions!
I love these. I am the founder of an addiction recovery blog, focused on the recovery side. Empowering women in recovery by helping them reach their full potential and be a bad ass chick and also creating the life of their dreams. Basically doing everything they couldn’t do in their addiction or thought that they couldn’t do due to the consequences of their addiction.
The point being, this stuff is great. I love it. You made me smile, made me laugh, and just happy. I have opt-ins but I am trying to find that killer lead magnet that is irresistible. I’m going to look around your blog some more, Great stuff! Thanks
Hey Natasha! So glad you found me! You sound awesome, and I love your mission. Thanks for all the compliments and love!
It’s nice to meet you!I like it a lot!!!
Aw, thanks Aggelik! I hope to see more of you!
Great post! Nothing was left out. Very helpful, indeed.
Thank you!
Self care is awesome. I love to switch up things! That’s why we’re organizing Self Care May. It’s a community effort to share different feel good practises. I’d love to invite everyone to be part of it. You can find out more by clicking this link:
Lots of love from India!