When people find out snail mail is “still a thing”, one of the top questions I get asked is “Who can I write to?”. I have another article on how you can find penpals, but I wanted to make an easy-to-go-to list for you as well! If you have any other ideas, I’d love to hear them in the comments! Pretty much anyone will welcome mail that’s not a bill or an advertisement these days; brighten someone’s day with a missive in their mailbox.
50 People You Can Send Mail To
Loved Ones
1. Parents
2. Grandparents
3. Siblings
4. Aunts/Uncles
5. Cousins
6. Friends
7. Significant Other
Favorite Celebrities
8. Bloggers
9. Singers
10. Musicians
11. Actors
12. Photographers
13. YouTube/Online personalities
14. Game show hosts
15. Comedians
16. Artists
17. Poets
18. Models
19. Talk show hosts
20. Designers
21. Authors
People You Don’t Know
22. Politicians
23. Local government official
24. Soldiers
25. Firefighters
26. Police officers
27. Inmates
28. Santa Claus
29. Frank Warren/Post Secret
30. Penpal
31. Someone on SendSomething
32. Party host
33. Teacher
34. Doctor
35. Nurse
36. EMT
37. Therapist/Psychiatrist
38. Repairman
39. Client/Customer
40. Journalist/Reporter
41. Chef
42. Coworker
43. Boss
44. Hairdresser
45. Interviewer
46. Mentor
47. Neighbor
48. A business
49. Me
50. Yourself
Bonus: 100 ideas of objects to send as naked mail!
Want to learn all there is to know about Snail Mail? Check out my thorough and inexpensive course!
You might also like How To Find Penpals!
More Love Letters (moreloveletters.com) is one of my FAVORITE places to send letters! Whether I’m feeling down and need an extra push or just feel like spreading some light into the world, there are always people here who need a good ‘ol fashioned handwritten hug (as I like to call them)! 🙂 <3
That’s such a good site. I’m so glad you utilize that often!!
I sent a pocket letter to you months ago, and have never received anything back.
Hi Anne! I’m so sorry it’s taking me so long to respond. Unfortunately my turn around rate is realistically months right now. 🙁 This summer I wasn’t able to work on mail at all because I was being treated for my newly diagnosed Bipolar Disorder and this Fall has been me catching up with business. I have a huge crate full of letters to respond to and I plan on responding to every single one. I really appreciate you taking the time to write to me, and I promise I will write to you and I’m not ignoring you on purpose. <3
Hey there, it’s me again. I’ve just discovered your website very recently and my mail to you was mainly a huge “Thank You!” for everything you’ve already done. Lettersets.com was going down and that got me interested in doing another online search. I found this website and a lot of key leads to the greatest mail options I never knew. I am letting the better people I found in the less friendly areas online know about your site. It’s helping a ton!
So don’t feel bad being behind! You did a lot of work in the last few years that we are still looking through to get the best support systems up and running for ourselves. Bless you for all you have already done and are still doing. We’re finding our people finally. That’s what it’s all about. <3
(Okay, getting misty here. Hee hee)
I’m so glad you’re enjoying my site and the resources! Mail is such a wonderful community. I’m glad the past years of work are paying off in my absence. Thank you for saying that, I needed to hear it.