Life is awesome. It doesn’t always feel that way because sometimes it sucks, but the truth is it’s pretty amazing. I wanted to make a list of amazing things about everyday life because it can be really easy to get caught up in drama, road rage, and stressful deadlines. Take a minute to read through this list and remember that life can actually be pretty sweet.
1. Royal Farms mailboxes look like chickens
2. Dunkin Donuts doors are pink (double) D door knob handles
3. Every time you add a condiment to a sandwich you can make a smiley face
4. Cement often looks like glitter in dim lighting
5. (Multiple) orgasms are possible
6. The feeling of pressing the button on the Venus razor cartridge is really freeing
7. You can stand just about anything for ten seconds, just like Kimmy Schmidt told us
8. The sound you make when you open a Snapple bottle is very satisfying
9. Under building siding is beautiful Easter colored paper
10. When the internet stops working and you see the dinosaur 404 message on your browser, you can actually play a game with him until your internet connection is restored
11. If you say “nipple syrup” quickly, no one will think you didn’t say “maple syrup”
12. There are garlands at every car dealership, like they’re constantly partying
13. Dogs’ tongues actually curl when they’re lapping up water
14. Otters hold hands so they don’t float away from each other
15. A can of Diet Coke floats in water, regular Coke sinks
16. Cows have best friends
17. There are over a hundred types of adult onesies you can buy to transform yourself into a dinosaur, unicorn, flying squirrel, etc.
18. Most places have electronic soda machines where you can select exactly what soda you want, even with an added flavor bonus. No more “Only Pepsi products?” sad faces.
19. Technology that allows you to deposit your checks without going to the bank
20. Technology that allows you to binge watch TV shows without scheduling your life around live showings or buying DVD’s
21. Charlie is married to The Waitress in real life
22. You can save voicemails on your cell phone, pretty much infinitely so you can cherish that person’s voice even after they’ve passed
23. Hashbrowns are better than hashtags, and you can get them smothered and covered just like The Bloodhound Gang promised you
24. You can find out your ancestor’s history using simple online tools
25. Jimmy Johns stores have neon signs that say “Free Smells”
26. Pretty much all smells are free
27. You can talk to people all over the world with Skype and send a postcard to anywhere within the United States (including Alaska, Hawaii, and The Virgin Islands) for 35 cents
28. Tonic water glows in black light
29. You’re not the same person you were 7 years ago because every part of your body is eventually replaced by a seven year time frame
30. You can get free food at open houses
31. Your belly button has the same ecosystem as the rain forest
32. Thinking about sex can ease your urge to pee
33. Ingress is an app that combines Geocaching with Foursquare and helps you find weird, cool stuff all over your city
34. Quitting can feel as good as finishing
35. Penguins propose to their mate with a pebble
36. The little jack in your phone can be used to stick charms in
37. “End road work” signs could be misconstrued as protest signage
38. There’s a lady in New York who only wears shades of green
39. If you and a friend stand on either sides of the road and act like you’re holding a rope, people will think you’re really holding a rope and try to step over it
40. You don’t have to be a trucker to eat at a truck stop
41. If you say “Wolfram planes overhead” to Siri, she’ll show you all the planes near you and exactly how high they are above you
42. You can fit an inflated Whoopie Cushion or a taco into a condom
43. The real name for your armpit is “axilla”
44. The stickers on supermarket fruit are actually edible (in case you’re lazy or forgetful)
45. Googling “do a barrel roll” will spin the page
46. You can get ordained on the internet
47. The USPS has free boxes, you’re not supposed to use them for things other than shipping Priority Mail, but I won’t tell if you don’t
48. If you can think of a topic, there’s probably a porn about it
49. If you make your ice cubes out of coffee you can have iced coffee without it getting watery
50. You can put glitter on pretty much anything.
I’m sure you could come up with a list of 50 entirely different things. Hit me with them in the comments, what’s amazing about life in your opinion?!
The “end road work” thing has always been one of my favorite things. Especially when the traffic is slow because of the road work. 😀
I never noticed it in that light until Joe pointed it out to me!
Here’s a quick attempt ^_^ (Not 50, but it’s a start)
1. Pretty much anything can be made more fun by adding googly eyes to it.
2. People all over the world ‘release books into the wild’ through bookcrossing. You can even find boxes of free books in cafes, pubs etc, and take one for free!
3. Postsecret share the secrets that strangers have submitted to them every week, from the funny to the bizarre, to the sad and scary.
4. With the advent of blogs and self-publishing, it’s far easier to find a platform for your writing now.
5. Etsy and Folksy exist and are a glorious combination of your granny’s attic, your favourite craft store, and Camden market.
6. Most people can learn to sign the alphabet in about twenty minutes.
7. holds the records of thousands and thousands of random acts of kindnesses carried out, by ordinary people for the love of it.
8. In my city, there’s a secret pub, the entrance of which looks like a boring boiler shop.
9. We also have a cat café, two board game cafes, a late night chill-out café for busy people and a trampoline park.
10. The Blurt Foundation has a special subscription box service called a Buddy Box, designed specifically for those dealing with mental health problems or going through a hard time.
11. You can really become a mermaid.
12. Beard glitter and baubles have been invented.
13. The Nightstop UK service lets total strangers volunteer to give homeless young people bed and breakfast for a night or longer.
14. There is a cat on the internet with extra pointy long canines who looks like a vampire cat.
15. Meditation can literally rewrite your brain to make you generally more happy and calm, and might help you live longer.
16. There are amazing places, full of books where you can go sit and read for free, and even borrow these books at no cost to yourself.
#12 though, for REAL. You’re such a cool person. I love this list a lot.
Number 38 The woman in New York who only wears shades of green actually lives in my neighborhood I believe because I have seen her over a handful number of times. She is a really cool older women and she must just about brightens everyone’s day as she does mine. I want to be like her when I get older. I like your list Mary. There certainly are many things to be happy about. You have inspired me to think about what I would put on my own list.
That’s so cool, I’m jealous you get to see her in person! She’s amazing. I’d love to see your list if you get around to writing it!
What a great list. I loved some of them and I’m going to save them to come back too.