I’m a huge advocate for making changes when you want to because you’re genuinely inspired to make the changes for your own personal development, and not being pressured to doing it because of a societal norm (e.g. a calendar change/New Year’s resolutions), but sometimes it can feel really good to go into the new year on a blank slate. By “blank slate”, I mean having things tied up, clean, and prepped for the new year so you can jump into what you want to accomplish without mental or physical clutter or to do lists dangling over your head, taunting you.
With that in mind, I have come up with a list of 25 ways to tie up “loose ends” at the end of the year. Some of them are purely about cleaning (I’m a quarter German and a big part of the way I was raised was to make sure your home was super clean and fresh on New Year’s Eve so you started the new year off literally clean), some of them are about releasing clutter, and some of them are about reflecting on the year that you just experienced. Either way, I hope you can be inspired by this list and pick out the ones that speak to you to make the end of the year the most meaningful it can be to you. And don’t forget that the end of the year is still about creating memories and having fun, not just doing a wrap-up!
If you’re in the Uncustomary Babes Membership Group, on December 23rd at 3 PM EST, I’m going to be doing a Live Facebook Event where we wrap up 2019 and plan for 2020! Are you a member yet? If not, I made an option where you can get a YEAR’s subscription for 15% off!
25 Ways To Tie Up Loose Ends At The End Of The Year
1. Make a list of your accomplishments this year
2. Make top 5 lists (see examples of mine)
3. Make a video compilation or slideshow as a visual highlight reel (see an example of mine)
4. Check in with your new year’s goals and see how you did
5. Make a new list of goals for next year
6. Catalog all your expenses and income for this year’s taxes
7. Declutter, purge, shred, organize your documents
8. Redo your mood/vision board, altar, or any inspirational space in your home
9. Answer all the emails in your inbox and messages on your Facebook
10. Transfer all your photos/videos/files to your computer
11. Organize and back-up all the files on your computer
12. Return anything you borrowed from anyone and follow up with people who owe you things you lent out
13. Finish up the books you’re halfway through
14. Make medical/admin appointments you’ve been putting off
15. Send out thank you notes for gifts you’ve received
16. Set up a new planner/calendar for the new year
17. Pay outstanding debts/bills
18. Open all your mail
19. Donate all the clothes you didn’t wear at all this year or no longer like
20. Refresh/update home necessities and emergency supplies
21. Roll all your loose change and deposit it in your bank account
22. Change/clean your bedsheets, linens, curtains, rugs, counter surfaces, etc.
23. Re-organize/clean/declutter your purse, wallet, desk, work space, junk drawers
24. Check in with friends or relatives you haven’t spoken to in while and even make a plan to meet up with them
25. Organize your internet bookmarks, print out the things you want to make on Pinterest, make a binder of the e-courses you’re taking, etc.
How are you tying up loose ends this year?
This is awesome! Thank you for sharing your strategies! I especially love making all the different Top 5 lists. Will do that right now!
I started an art bullet journal to keep track of my goals, gratitude log, and things to do (just to name a few). So excitedband your list jyst inspired me on a few more ideas for my book. Mh big thing for 2019 is to accept compliments. You so rock!