My friend, Cristen, tagged me in a Facebook status to share 15 things you “may not care to know” about me. My immediate reaction was “ugh, everyone already knows everything”, so this is a little difficult for me… I’m a pretty open person! Give yourself one point and ten pieces of confetti for each thing you already knew about me.
- The only time I ever took the SAT’s was when I was 13 and my school thought I was a genius. I am not a genius.
- The first alcohol I ever had was orange flavored 151.
- As a child, I preferred playing with my Batman figures to Barbies, but still had way more Barbies because my friends didn’t like Batman.
- I played piano for seven years. My teacher quit because I was “as good as” her and she could “no longer teach” me. I was equally angry and grateful, because I hated practicing.
- On the last days of school every year in elementary school, I would stay after to help the teachers clean and organize. They would give me their extra worksheets, and I would force my friends to play school with me during the summer.
- More often than not, concerts and other places with loud, booming music (bass), makes the cartilage in my ribs inflame in a condition called Costochondritis. It hurts and I get sick. I’ve gone to the hospital for it on multiple occasions.
- My mom’s Costco ID in the early 90’s (ahem, Price Club) had me in the photo because I refused to not be in the picture. I’ve always loved photography + cameras
- Although I identify as heterosexual, I find women objectively more attractive and have kissed many.
- For more than half my life, I thought I was allergic to coconut. Turns out I just don’t like it.
- My elbows are hyper-extended.
- I’ve had Tourette’s since I was eight years old. I didn’t know how to spell it till I was fifteen.
- I’ve made many, many sleeping dreams come true in real life, premonition style. This went away for years while I was on a large dose of psychotropic medications, but has come back recently. I can also predict things short term if they’re dealing with numbers or colors. (I recently guessed 11 cards correctly in a row.)
- Touching the front of my throat makes me gag.
- I feel weak whenever I use my GPS.
- Most nights, there is confetti in my bed. (Oh wait, you knew that one already, didn’t you?)
You can also check out my FAQ for more basic info.
Photo credit: April’s Twisted Entertainment
PS – I’m supposed to tag three people in this. Feel free to just do it on Facebook, though. [Carly, Michelle, and Jaclyn.]
The one about dream premonition basically tells me you really are a mermaid. That sounds like a very mermaid-y power.
And I never heard of Costochondritis before. I think you already know/can assume I’m no fan of booming music in the first place, but having an actual medical reaction to it must be a lot scarier!
Yeah most people haven’t (I certainly didn’t know about it until they diagnosed me!), but it basically just presses on my heart and it feels like I’m having a heart attack. Not cute! Hahah. It sucks because going to concerts is supposed to be a fun thing! And I have to worry about getting sick.
<3 I'm definitely a mermaid.