#73 on my 100 Ways To Be Creative list is to use unique lighting, such as twinkle lights or color filters. You may recall #30, which is to leave twinkle lights up all year long. I definitely recognize that they are similar, but one is more about using every day as an excuse to be festive, and the other is about using innovation to find new ways to see things.
I bought color filters for my sun catcher and I had a bunch left over! They’re perfect for experimenting with color and adding an extra beautiful element to your lighting. I’m someone who really loves having lights on. People always ask why I want so many on in my room, but it makes it brighter and the colors stand out more.
Anyway, here are some pictures of me experimenting with color filters in my room, plus twinkle lights and lanterns.

how different (mixed) filters affect plain white paper
Do you use creative lighting anywhere in your life?Oh.. and PS – here’s a video of me having a dance party in my bedroom in the dark with glow sticks and other related items.