#57 on my 100 Ways To Be Creative list is to make a mix CD for someone based on their musical interests and include a playlist and handmade jewel case.
Recently, mail art wonder Pamela, let me know that she would like a playlist! I asked her for three of her current musical interests (as I always do), so I could get a baseline for her interests. In general, when I make CDs for someone I have a pretty large common ground with them. However, making this playlist was a bit more of a challenge for me, but in a good way!I didn’t have to download anything new, I used what I had. But she has a more eclectic taste than I do. The list she gave me ranged from hip hop to world music. I was able to use some of the songs I never get to use on mixes for friends, and I liked that a lot. I’m really hoping that she likes it (and gets in time for her trip to Europe).If you like mail and haven’t heard of Pamela, make sure you give her a visit. She’s quite good.
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