#67 on my 100 Ways To Be Creative list is to pull an all nighter. This means different things to different people, but I figured staying up all night to the twenty-four-hour-awake-mark will count for me. This was a couple weekends ago, when I was staying at Matt’s. He had fallen asleep around midnight and I wasn’t tired at all. Around three, I decided that I might as well stay up the rest of the time and cross this off the list!
Throughout the entire night, I watched House of Cards on Netflix. (Cool story about this, Kevin Spacey stayed in Annapolis while he was filming this show, and he came into Matt’s work a lot! Matt works at a restaurant in downtown Annapolis. So cool, right?) I think I watched seven episodes in a row. It’s really interesting how I very much prefer comedies and how I hate politics, but dramas aboutย politics are completely entertaining to me.
I also banged out a lot of knitting and letter writing while I watched TV. If you get a letter from me that mentions House Of Cards, that means I wrote it during my all nighter, ๐Ÿ˜‰


Last, but not least, I got a little goofy and delirious towards the end. I was high on no sleep and wired from soda and being alone. And even if I wasn’t… sometimes you just really need to wear the thing you’re going to use for yarnbombing.
Overall, it wasn’t too exciting, but I can cross it off my list!
PS – I was incredibly tired the next day and fell asleep immediately the following night.
Have you ever stayed up all night long? When was the last time? What did you do?