#28 on my 100 Ways To Be Creative list is to add magnetic strips to your make-up or other supplies for easy storage and access. I got this idea from the Magnetic Spice Storage tutorial from A Beautiful Mess. I figured you could add magnetic strips to anything.
When I originally made this list (over a year ago!), I had envisioned magnetizing all of my make-up and hanging it from my closet. Since then, I’ve downsized my make-up considerably, and only use some basic stuff. It works really well in a little cosmetic bag. Plus, I use the closet space to display meaningful cards or mail.
So, since I use craft supplies so often, I decided I would make them magnetic. I have two white boards above my desk (which generally always come magnetic), and I’ve added supplies that I use frequently to their surface.
On this board, you can see my glue stick, permanent marker, “posted” stamp, scissors, gold thread, envelope rubber stamp, and thumbtacks. All ready for use!
All it takes is a magnetic strip that is adhesive on one side. They usually come in rolls at the craft store. Just cut off a piece and add it to the blunt surface area of the object you want to stick up, and boom!
I should say, that some things are too heavy to use the regular magnetic tape. I tried pretty hard to get my hole puncher to stay up, but it didn’t want to. I’m still getting used to reaching up instead of behind me to get my scissors, etc. but it’s working out!
Do you think adding magnetic strips to something in your life would make it better or more organized?