Miscellaneous Street Art

Miscellaneous Street Art

A few months ago, I made a post of street art projects I’ve done that don’t really have enough information or documentation for their own posts. I’m doing it again today!   “Beautify Public Space” banner Chalkboard square in Graffiti...
St. Patrick’s Day Yarnbomb

St. Patrick’s Day Yarnbomb

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Do you have your green on? I’m sporting green tights. (Kermit legs!) Are you doing anything to celebrate today? Last year I shared some fun images for this holiday, but this year, I put up a green and gold yarnbomb to celebrate....
Yarnbombed Rocks

Yarnbombed Rocks

For my 11th Fun A Day project, I knitted around some rocks and then took them to the city as a yarnbombing installation. It’s pretty easy to knit cozies for rocks or similar objects. I liked how bright it looked next to the tree on the side of Mount Royal...
Celebrate Valentine’s Day!

Celebrate Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Are you celebrating today? I hope you are in some fashion. For a long time I didn’t celebrate this holiday. It didn’t make sense how much pressure was placed on romantic love on one day. It seemed like it was setting people up...
Mardi Gras Yarnbomb

Mardi Gras Yarnbomb

Happy Mardi Gras! Are you doing anything to celebrate? Yesterday, in Journaling class, I asked the members to write down anything they knew about this holiday. One lady said “it’s where everyone gets nude and does drugs and gets high”. Hahah. So...