Happy Mardi Gras! Are you doing anything to celebrate? Yesterday, in Journaling class, I asked the members to write down anything they knew about this holiday. One lady said “it’s where everyone gets nude and does drugs and gets high”. Hahah. So that’s probably pretty accurate. Does anyone observe lent? I don’t, but I think it’s cool to have a celebration of indulgence before you limit yourself for whatever reason.
I think this year I’m going to start doing themed yarnbombs. Not for everything, but it will be cool to have a prompt every once in a while. So, for Mardi Gras I bought some fancy gold yarn and made something for an electrical pole. I sewed it on at the corner of North Avenue and Charles Street on the day of the Fun A Day opening. I hope it stays up at least through this week.
For a frame of reference, it’s across the street from the awesome pigeon mural. 🙂
Have you ever gone to New Orleans for Mardi Gras or otherwise? I would love to visit there.