Hi, there, Mary’s followers! ๐Ÿ˜€ My name is Miki and I blog over at Miki’s Scrapbook. It’s really nice to meet you all! When our dear friend asked me if I could write a guest post for her, I couldn’t refuse for several reasons – I really look up to her, I admire her attitude to life, her sense of humor and creativity; she’s such a great inspiration! It truly is an honor to be here in her space.
I wanted to prepare a little post that Uncustomary readers could relate to and that at the same time felt like myself. See, when I lived in Argentina (up until February 2011), I used to do little random acts of kindness every now and then; I was planning to keep it going here in California, but people don’t seem to care or get involved, so that has discouraged me. But anyway, I wanted to do it one more time for sweet Mary :).
I work at a library that is open to the general public and is also a high school library; as you can imagine it’s loaded with teenagers. I thought they could use some positive messages, so I bought some smiley faces at Target and cut some phrases I liked from magazines.
I apologize for the poor quality of these photos, but as you can imagine, I had to take these pics very sneakily.
I hid messages in books located in different aisles.


And I also placed on where we keep our supplies for one of my workmates to find :).
I hope whoever found the smiley faces liked the messages they got!
Thanks for reading and I hope you’re all having a great day! ;D