It’s super easy to feel overwhelmed right now, between the worldwide pandemic and all of the social issues taking center stage. Sometimes it seems like there’s simply too much to take in and too much to see to keep on top of everything going on, and it can be a lot to keep track of. Keeping busy by getting involved in a handful of ways can keep your mind busy, share help to others, and help you feel a sense of accomplishment that being cooped up just can’t give you. 


Encourage The Sharing Of Resources


Chances are, you or someone you know could use some direction during these trying times. Luckily, there’s a bountiful amount of resources available for practically anything going on in the world right now. Are you trying to spread awareness of the hazards of the pandemic? There’s mountains of information, infographics, and easily shareable content out there to make sure that your message gets out. Are you passionate about spreading awareness of the social injustices plaguing the US right now? There’s so many ways to gather and share resources about these issues that you can take your pick. There’s essential reading, there’s videos, and there’s statistics and information that has been broken down into digestible easy to understand chunks that are perfect for sharing on social media. Social media is the perfect avenue to share resources on what you’re passionate about, and you just might help someone along the way. 


Encouraging others to do the same and share resources they find helpful can also be fulfilling, and it might open the door to new and exciting resources, voices, and angles that people need to see and hear. There’s no shortage of information on nearly any positive angle of what’s going on, and spreading it to just one more new set of eyes will help you feel accomplished. 


Participate In Or Organize Fundraising


Covid-19 has hit us hard, nevertheless, we have to see it as an opportunity to get stronger. Many schools, teams, and charities have had a tough time raising funds because of the distancing rules. Back-to-school this Fall will be the ultimate test. Thankfully, a few fundraising companies have developed some cutting edge fundraising ideas and technology to make the fundraising experience easier and most of all safer. More now than ever, new easy-to-use virtual fundraisers have become available.

Thanks to companies like JustFundraising®, any non-profit or organization that you get behind can have their very own custom online fundraising shop, so you can generate funds safely from your home. Sell gourmet cookie dough, popcorn, scented candles and other gift items, to help out causes that are close to your heart. If you want to make a difference and start or continue to lead positive change, you and the group you’re part of can leverage these new platforms to raise funds.

As well, if you’ve been wary to contribute online in the past, re-consider next time you receive a text or email requesting your financial support.


Get Active In Your Community


Just like the resources above, there’s so much you can do to be active in the community you’re in. Get creative with your plans. Do you have extra room in your vehicle when you go shopping? Hang up flyers offering to get groceries for those who can’t. Leave out informational flyers informing people about what’s going on. Spread messages of positivity with sidewalk chalk. Organize a peaceful protest. Pay attention to bulletin boards in your community, or if there isn’t one, look into starting one. Look up if there’s Facebook pages for your community or neighborhood, and see what you can do to help. There’s many ways to get active in supporting the community, even if it’s as simple as offering to clean up trash on your block. As long as you’re safe, these kinds of things can also offer some much needed outside time, and maybe even some socially distant and responsible interaction with your neighbors or others in the community. 


It doesn’t have to be big, it doesn’t have to be expensive or time consuming, but getting out there and being active in your community can be special and fulfilling in ways you might be out of touch with. You get to help yourself, and help others that need it.