30th Birthday Time Capsule

30th Birthday Time Capsule

When I was 23, I decided it would be a good idea to make a time capsule that I could open when I turned 30 (because it seemed so far away). I wrapped it up in bright yellow wrapping paper and kept it at my dad’s in a safe place until the eve of my 30th birthday,...
10 Ways To Spend Your Summer At Home (For Teens)

10 Ways To Spend Your Summer At Home (For Teens)

10 Ways to Spend Your Summer At Home (For Teens) Summer holidays can be wasted without a good plan on how to spend them. In fact, there are always chances that a teenager that is having their first long vacation may end up doing things that could put them on the wrong...
Weekly Happiness

Weekly Happiness

My first week as a thirty something has been good, and it sure as hell started with a bang! (Did you see my post about turning thirty?) I can’t wait to tell you about the party of my dreams, what was in my time capsule I made for myself when I was 23, and share...