Here are some of the things that have made me happy this week.
+ new dino for my rear view
+ accidentally finding a community garden
+ making Matt use the tree yarnbombing as a blanket the night before
+ pretty blue skies downtown

+ wearing my kaleidoscope necklace that Janice got me for Christmas

+ crab food at Nacho Mama’s

+ making a fortune teller

+ glitter
+ Post Muse blogging about me
+ the view from Federal Hill
+ Michelle comparing me to the post office (street art, rain or shine)
+ eating healthily
+ yarnbombing a tree
+ the conveyor belt being there when I went back
+ making giant googly eyes
+ thrift stores in Laurel
+ Silver Diner with Matt
+ watching and being inspired by Amélie
+ spray painting with chalkboard paint in Graffiti Alley while other people were also working
+ pretty things at Party City
+ re-organizing and decluttering a section of my room
+ getting some great mail, including a surprise package

What’s been making you happy this week?