As I’m writing this, Facebook and Instagram are down. Thanks Mercury Retrograde! But guess what? It’s a perfect time to disconnect! Did you see my blog post about 10 ways to disconnect/unplug/detox from screens and technology? Maybe this is our chance to do that!ย Thanks Mercury Retrograde! ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway, how has your week been? The main things I did this week were go see Captain Marvel, visit a cat cafe, and go to DC for the day to explore looking for some murals and visit some museums. Other than that I’ve been struggling with depression a little bit over some person stuff, and trying to keep busy! I definitely have plenty to work on, that’s for sure!

I hope you’re feeling good. The equinox is just around the corner. I can’t wait for consistently warmer temperatures. We got to walk around the park the other day and say hi to a billion dogs, and it was so nice. On Sunday, there is this local Corgi meet-up group who is meeting up in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day, and we’re going to be the creeps without dogs who go to hang out with them. I’m very excited. I need to get one of those leashes from the 90’s that makes it look like you are holding an invisible dog. Anyone have any leads on where I can get one of those? Send ’em my way!

Here’s what I’ve been into lately…

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary

Pictures from last week:

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Beautiful murals that bleed onto the ground

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Whole alleys dedicated to art

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Asian restaurants in hidden alleys

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Paunchy belly art

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Joe taking me to a cat cafe because I’ve been kitty deprived

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Hanging out with some amazing cats

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
All the cats who get furever homes from cat cafes

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Taking Frederico to DC

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Yayoi Kusama pumpkin installation (and getting a postcard of it!)

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Beautiful mermaid backgrounds

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Hirshhorn Museum exhibits

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Hanging installations

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Recycled installations

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Spotted love

Weekly Happiness | Uncustomary
Free sculpture gardens

[Extra Sparkle] * New Moon hangover * Dominos delivery in bed * Speaking a truth I had been holding in my throat and worried about * Cord cutting meditation and tapping rituals * So much participation and enthusiasm at moon gatherings * Taking a new moon bath with a giant lip-shaped bath bomb from Witch Baby * A competent CVS pharmacist for the first time at my location (praise be) * Watching recent episodes of “You’re The Worst” * Watching Gaby Herstick on the Gala Darling Show * Being tucked in before bed * The most Pisces Tarot reading ever * Seeing “Captain Marvel” on International Women’s Day * My new Witch’s Almanac book from Joe * Hanging out with Laura, Darian, Dan, and Joe * Snuggling up with my Alpaca family * Gathering props for photoshoots and spring decorations for the hosue * Tabouleh and torilla chips * Janice sending me rainbow rolling papers * Dogs jumping into piles of leaves * Coke with real sugar in a bottle * Reframing my perspective on overwhelming to do lists * Daylight Savings time coming back around so there’s more daylight, hello Serotonin! * Brainstorming about remaking the cuddle space area in the basement * Seeing my fingerprint (with its scar) and pulse rate blown up in an interactive art installation * Falafel from a food truck * Being able to overcome fears to experience things * Reaching my pedometer step goal * The security guard asking what something in my bag was and I told her it was the wand to play my triangle and she had a really hard time not laughing in my face * Running into people I know * Hilarious interactions with strangers (Joe being told he’s going to burn in hell) * Finding free close parking * Joe cleaning the parking pad so it looks really nice now * A squeghee window kid drawing a heart on my windshield after I told him I didn’t want him to wash my windows * Knowing I’m in a place where I could break down during a trauma anniversary, but so far I’m handling it fine * Warm air

Upcoming Unusual Holidays

13 – Open An Umbrella Indoors Day
13 – Smart & Sexy Day
14 – Potato Chip Day
14 – Pi Day
14 – Learn About Butterflies Day
15 – World Sleep Day
16 – Corn Dog Day
16 – Lips Appreciation Day
16 – Panda Day
16 – Worldwide Quilting Day
17 – Campfire Day
18 – Awkward Moments Day
18 – Forgive Mom And Dad Day
18 – Transit Driver Appreciation Day
19 – Goddess Of Fertility Day
19 – Chocolate Caramel Day


What’s on your happiness list this week?