Hey there gorgeous!

I just started this new thing called Miracle Mornings and I’m challenging myself to do it every weekday for the next month. Today is Day 3 and I’m LOVING it. It’s super simple, here’s all you have to do:

  • 10 minutes of meditation
  • 20 minutes of exercise
  • 10 minutes of journaling
  • 10 minutes of reading
  • 10 minutes of affirmations/visualization

I can’t tell you what a difference it made, even just on the first day! I’m welcoming all of you to join me on this challenge and see what it can do for you as well! You in?

If you’re local, I’d love to have you at my free workshop this Friday! Check it out and end your September with sparkle!

Here’s some pictures of my past week:

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What’s on your happiness list this week?