+ Little Miss Sunshine

+ spontaneous trip to downtown Annapolis at midnight

+ stopping for a quick photo shoot of balloons tied to a mailbox

+ awesome finds at the thrift store

+ this conversation between coworkers about Draw Something:
“ugh, why are they so expensive?!”
“what is?”


+ this Russian flash mob

+ finding a Michaels gift card with money left on it

+ seeing a bright strip of turquoise sparkles down an otherwise run down truck

+ this bunny sitting on my front stoop when I got home and then realizing that he was communicating with Bug once I got inside the door

+ blowing bubbles outside

+ Matilda, Jersey Shore Pop Up Video, & Key and Peele

+ doing the no heat curls tutorial (and it working!)

+ getting my taxes back

+ Caine’s Arcade

+ meeting J’Adore the pup on campus

+ finding Miki’s blog!

+ Karen’s package, colored tights, and Moleskine postal books arriving in the mail!

What made you happy this week??