One day, on Instagram, an Uncustomary Babe Member tagged me in a post where her adorable dog, Cheddar, had stole a piece of Happy Mail I sent them. I laughed so much at the idea that he loved it and took it for himself, and immediately decided he was going to be an honorary Uncustomary Babe.
I asked his mom what Cheddar was like, and found out some interesting stuff! He’s a rescue, he has anxiety, and he loves sweet treats (like raw bananas)! I decided I was going to spoil Cheddar, and made quite the package for him. Here’s what I sent:
One of the banana toys I found was actually a cat toy filled with cat nip, and I was worried about its effect on dogs, but guess what? I looked into it, and cat nip can actually help anxiety in dogs! Win win!
When Cheddar got his package, he immediately wore the bow tie. How handsome does he look?
He loves what I sent. Joe helped me pick out what we sent (the bow ties and bandana were all his idea). And I’m so glad he enjoyed everything!
And check him out with his Uncustomary Babe Membership Card! Another Uncustomary Babe on the books!
So this whole thing gave me an idea. I love animals so much, and I know you do, too. So I’m going to sponsor an animal at least every other month (every month if I can swing it). This is only available to Uncustomary Babe Members. So if you’re a member, you can hop in the Facebook group thread and share a picture of your pet, and tell me a little about them. (If you’re a current member who doesn’t use Facebook, you can e-mail me. Just please don’t e-mail me if you’re not in the group about this specific sponsor/promotion.) If you’d like to join the group, you can do that here.
Basically, every (other) month, I will pick a different animal, find out their interests, and mail them a package and membership card, making them an honorary Uncustomary Babe Member! The only catch is you have to take a picture of your pet with the card when you get the package, and hopefully a couple more so I can do I post like this one to share it with everyone! 🙂
Are you excited? I’m excited. Pets and freebies. Let’s do this!