There is no shortage of tough days for anybody who has to work for a living. It might be your boss, customers, or just the people that you work with, but you come home tightly wound and stressed to the eyeballs. When this happens, it is tempting to order take-out and binge-watch shows on TV until long past your bedtime, but arguably, this will not make matters any better.

As an alternative to this less-than-beneficial routine, you could take a few unusual ideas and make them work for you so you can fully relax after a day when it seems like everything and everyone is out to get you.

Create your own sound bath 

While you may be all too familiar with the concept of a regular bath, a sound bath may be entirely new to you. In short, the idea is to bathe yourself entirely in sound by being surrounded by gongs, chimes, tuning forks, and singing bowls. Venues for these sessions can be sought out online, but you can set up your own arrangement at home. This technique is used for meditation, therapy, and relaxation, so it should provide the positive results you seek.

Laughter yoga

You will, of course, have a passing knowledge of yoga and may have even given it a try yourself on occasion. Here, instead of practicing poses, you practice laughing along with useful breathing techniques to aid your relaxation. At the luxury yoga retreat Byron Bay, you can also try out traditional yoga that will help you relax and find your center, allowing you to reconnect with your inner self amidst the serene surroundings.

Play games online

You may have tried this before, but instead of matching pieces of candy ad-nauseam, you could see what is available at online casinos. Regardless of your tastes, you are likely to find a game that is a good fit for you, as slots cover a host of different themes and types. At the best high roller casino, there are table games where you can play roulette, blackjack, and other games you might have seen on TV or in the movies. 

Get involved in astronomy

You might think that this will involve lots of equipment and expense, but that is not always the case, especially for beginners. You can just get started with a cheap telescope or pair of binoculars you find on eBay and only go for larger purchases if you get the bug. You will be surprised with what is visible using just the most basic of equipment, and by connecting your phone, you can also take some stunning photos to show your friends and family.

Adult coloring books 

These might seem like a blast from ten or fifteen years ago, but they have come a long way since they were every third item you saw on Amazon. The range of themes they cover is now quite wide and covers almost every niche you can think of, so there should be something there for you. If this is not left field enough for you, you may even consider creating your own colors from natural resources like turmeric instead of using conventional coloring pencils or pens.