A few weeks ago, I read this post about boosting creativity and happiness by simply listing the things in your life that you consider yourself to be “tolerating”. It makes a lot of sense and before I jumped into writing my own list I incorporated it into a lesson plan for my Life Appreciation class I teach at work. I asked everyone to think about what the differences were between tolerating and fully enjoying something are and I got some great responses. It’s good to make up your own definition, though.
“I Am Tolerating…”
– people who live their life according to what they think is ‘cool’ or for a certain appearance
– the clutteredness of my room
– my phone’s data situation
– my weight
– my procrastination
– not utilizing my time enough (laziness)
– my skin/complexion
What we discussed in class was how to turn the items on this side of list into something that could go on the enjoyment side of the list. I was good at giving advice to everyone else and now it’s my turn to work on the things on my list. It seems pretty simple but it’s obviously easier said than done or else it would already be on the good side. 🙂
“I Enjoy…”
+ hanging out and talking with people I love and connect with
+ Bug’s existence
+ taking and viewing pictures
+ blogging
+ vivid and intense colors
+ snail mail
+ sparkly things
+ laughing
What would be on your lists?