Positive Thinking Day

Positive Thinking Day

September 13th is Positive Thinking Day, which is a pretty substantial unusual holiday that I think should get a little more attention! Positive thinking is a skill, not something based in naivety. It’s very easy to see the glass as half empty, it’s very...
Spread Self-Love!

Spread Self-Love!

Spread self-love! Shout it from whatever platform you have, whether that’s from your journal, a newsroom, or on top of a mountain to a herd of goats… because EVERYONE, and I mean everyone is entitled to self-love. Art by: KittyPinkStars
50 Ways To Live In The Moment

50 Ways To Live In The Moment

Ever feel like you’re just running through life on autopilot? You’re not alone. It’s hard to live in the moment, especially when there’s more and more distractions at our fingertips. We have to make a conscious effort to live in the moment; in...