If you’ve received snail mail from me recently (it could also currently be en route to you), I probably mentioned something about summer goals. I’m curious as to what everyone is eager to work on this summer and I think I let my curiosity increase my procrastination because I didn’t really have my own list firmed up.
I think it’s interesting how people view summer in terms of length. Some people think the kick off of summer is Memorial Day, some when we get out of school, some at the solstice.. and when it ends is different too. Is it when school starts? Labor Day? The end of August? I’m curious as to how you measure summer. For me this year, I’m counting from June 1 to September 22.
So here is the list of things that I want to accomplish within that time frame, this summer. Some of these things are from my original list from January, but some are things that I’ve added with summer in mind.
What are your goals for this summer? Or this season! I know some of you are in the coldest time of your year.. what is inspiring you to stay creative??