Last month, I re-introduced my Snail Mail Game Show! Basically, I send you a prompt in the mail, you respond as creatively as you can, you mail it back to me, and I select a winner. This project is loosely based off the spoof game show “Bunk”, that aired for one season on IFC (and can be found on Netflix, if you’re interested in some goofy laughs). I’m so excited!
For Round 3, I sent out prompts to 38 participants in 18 different states, and one Dutch girl because I can’t say no. I only received 17 submissions back, which is about half participation. I’m happy about that for this round, and I hope that I get even more results next time!
If you would like to sign up for Round 4, please send me an e-mail with the subject “Snail Mail Game Show”, and include your full name and mailing address in the message. If you participated in Round 3, please e-mail me to confirm that you want to participate again, but you don’t need to resend me your address.
[Update: Round 4 sign-up is over and the challenges have already been sent out. Stay tuned for Round 5, mid-July!]
If you are international, and itching to participate, you can now, but you must PayPal me money for postage. It’s just $1.15 USD. If this is the case, you can send that cash to me via PayPal (e-mail address maryhassound at yahoo dot com). Please send the money “to friends and family”, so neither of us pay any fees, and include your name in the memo.
I would like to remind you that since this is currently a free service, that means I’m paying for supplies and postage out of my pocket. I want all of you to sign up who want to, but if you don’t think you can do it this round, don’t sign up. I don’t intend that to sound mean, I’m just a #StarvingArtist and want to move forward with more intention.
Sign up will go from today to June 24th at 8 pm EST. Prompts will be mailed out ASAP, and finished submissions will need to reach me by Monday, July 13th.
Okay, this post is going to be super long to show you all the entries, so click through if you want to see more. I’m really impressed by the level of artistic ability and overall creative ideas you people put into this project. I had a fabulous time going through the submissions, and I really appreciate your enthusiasm! I hope you’ll sign up for the next round.
For Round 3, each participant received an “Evolution Of Man” chart in their envelope, and were asked to create what they think the next stage of man will be. Any mediums were allowed, the only rule was that it had to come back to me via snail mail.
the template
A high school teacher, Molly, had six of her students participate. We’ll go through them first!
Artist: Anjelica
We’re evolving into mermaids? This girl is after my heart!
Artist: Megan
Damn, more like the truth right? Hopefully Megan is wrong!
(Also, I kind of hope that the Big Mac sauce was on accident, but I know she’s just a brilliant artist.)
Artist: Izzy
This entry really made me feel like I was twirling on a cliff in a tulle skirt.
Artist: Yeirn
I like that I can’t tell what the person is reading. Is it a comic book, a menu, a religious text? At least we’re literary in the future!
Artist: Benjamin
Yes! Are we turning into metaphysical genie bottle robot beings? This is good foreshadowing.
Artist: Zoe
Our last high school submission is a scary one! Get off the couch, Future Me!
Artist: Amanda
Ah! I think we can all identify with that one.
Artist: Hollie
Yeah girl! This is the most logical next step. I don’t think we’ll have to wait long at all.
Artist: Sami
The future is a place where women rule all! Topanga once said we would keep men underground and use them only for breeding purposes, hahaha. I don’t think it needs to be that severe, but this sounds wonderful.
Artist: Lakens
You mail enthusiasts will be happy to know that in the future, your head turns into a postage stamp. I wonder if you can get a stamp from a country you’re not a citizen of?
(This piece was double sided, so I doubled up on the image so you could see the end!)
Artist: Olivia
Oh man, I’m really into the themes people across the country created without realizing it. Is this really what we’re becoming?
Artist: Petra
Behold! The human race will soon morph into glittery pink beings (and I can’t wait).
(This one was so wide it never would have fit in my scanner, it’s almost my wingspan when folded out!)
Artist: Sue
It looks like we’re headed in a much more zen direction, and I hope there really is peace next.
Artist: Calvert
This entry reminded me the most of the game show “Bunk” that I based this project off of. I totally want a detachable hand, don’t you?!
Artist: Diana
Turns out we’re all just Next Generation Gorgeous!
Artist: Josh
Simplicity is a pretty great goal, and I hope we all achieve it!
Artist: Felicity
Dude, we get to turn into drones? Or maybe we just fly around in them? I’m game either way.
Artist: Rebecca
This one made me laugh, specifically because of the cheese grater. Soon we’ll have so many gadgets we won’t even need our (detachable) hands!
And the winner is: Petra. I really felt like she went above and beyond with her submission, and I loved how colorful (and glittery) it was. I will be sending her a prize via snail mail! Next time it could be you!