Keeping the Snail Mail Game Show going for the first round of 2019! This time, the participants were given an outline of a classic flyer with the strips at the bottom where you usually are advertising something and can leave your contact information on little strips of paper at the bottom, and people can rip it off so they can reach you later.
The instructions read: “We pass flyers all the time. They exist for so many reasons; to advertise a business, to connect people who might need a roommate, to find a lost pet, or even as a fun/inspirational street art installation. Your job is to create a creative flyer that would be posted on the street.” I’m so impressed with what people came up with!
Artist: April
So inspirational! Some things you could rip off include “wisdom, gratitude, love, peace, joy, and kindness”. How lovely is that?
Artist: Elisha
Elisha got really creative with it and not only chose an important issue, but wrote ways to say no/practice safe sex/consent/boundaries, AND stuck actual condoms to to the strips! Some of the strips say things like, “It’s okay to say ‘no'”, “Move forward with an enthusiastic ‘yes'”, and “You’re allowed to change your mind”. Hell yes.
Artist: Sue
Sue went classic black and white with a bird offering up some wisdom! Some of these nuggets to digest include “Big decisions can, and should wait…”, “Take a deep breath. Letting go will benefit you and lead to plans that are better than anything you’d have conceived of.”, and “Expect magic, nothing less.” Some serious advice I can endorse!
Artist: Ida Marie
Last but certainly not least, we had Ida Marie who offers some great suggestions for self-care! Some of her great ideas include “Unleash your strength”, “Meditate daily”, and “Watch a sunset”.
It seriously gets harder and harder to choose a winner. You babes seriously knocked it out of the damn park with this one! I’m going to officially pick Elisha as the winner of Round 17, and I will be sending them a prize via snail mail. But since this round didn’t have too many people who actually sent stuff back, I’m going to send everyone a little something. And I’m actually going to turn these into real flyers and put them up in Baltimore! Stay tuned. 🙂
There are already people signed up for Round 18! You want in? Get a chance to express yourself creatively, share your art publicly, and possibly win a prize! Check out the official Snail Mail Game Show page where you can learn about the rules and sign up! And yes, you can sign up for multiple rounds at once, if you feel like paying for a few months all at once! Whatever works for you.
Sign up goes from now till March 5th at 9 pm EST. If you sign up after that, your name will be added to the list for Round 19. Challenges will be mailed out around March 11th, and submissions will need to reach me by March 31st.
Questions for the comments:
1) Which piece from Round 17 is your favorite?
2) What would you put on a flyer, or what would you grab from one of these flyers?
Elisha’s is great! So important for everyone to know.