Self-Love Prompts is a series I started after creating a list of 50 self-love writing prompts. People like you select a prompt that speaks to them, work on it, and send me their response so I can share it with you guys!

Today, I’m thrilled to have Tranifer Lovely kick off the series, responding to the prompt “Write a letter to your teenage-self”.

Self Love Prompts: A Letter To My Teenage Self | Uncustomary

A Letter To My Teenage Self

Stop trying. Seriously, stop it. You know who you are, and what you love. Own it, regardless of how much people tease and taunt. They’re just assholes, and not worth any of the tears you’ve wasted on them. Same goes for your toxic friends. Toss out the meanies, and fill your life with positive, happy people that love you. They are the ones worth your time and energy. Trust me on this one.

Someday, you will finally realize how fucking cool you are. Stop calling yourself human garbage, you aren’t.

Also, keep writing, you’re good at it. Once you drop out of school, you’ll stop writing… That isn’t okay. You get depressed when you don’t write. You owe it to yourself and the world to get your words out of your head.
Always make art.

And spend less time on MySpace, that shit will be obsolete in a couple years, anyways.

Don’t hold yourself back, travel more. And stop letting fear stop you from going out and making new friends. And stop being so judgmental, it makes you look like a brat.

But, most importantly, LOVE YOURSELF!!

♥ Tranifer

PS: please, for the love of all things holy, stop shaving off your eyebrows, and drawing them back on. You look silly. Love your bushy caterpillars!


[pextestim pex_attr_name=”Tranifer Lovely” pex_attr_img=”” pex_attr_occup=”Artist” pex_attr_org=”Website” pex_attr_link=”” pex_attr_parallax=”disabled”]Tranifer Lovely is an artist residing in the back woods of Maine. When she isn’t making monsters, or making people into monsters with her special effects makeup, she can be found creating music, practicing her twerking skills, binging on vegan food, or searching for the perfect IPA beer. Her natural hair color is pink, and she is an actual mermaid, forever in search of her voice and tail.[/pextestim]


What would you write in a letter your teenage self? Feel free to share in the comments!

Are you interested in being part of the Self-Love Prompts series? Select your prompt and send me an e-mail so I can give you more information!