Self-Love Prompts is a series I started after creating a list of 50 self-love writing prompts. People like you select a prompt that speaks to them, work on it, and send me their response so I can share it with you guys!

We’re continuing on this series with Laura. I’m excited to have her contributing to this series by answering the prompt, “Why do you think it’s important to have a high self-esteem?…”

I think it’s important to have a high self-esteem…

Self Love Prompts: Why It's Important To Have High Self-Esteem | Uncustomary

We live our most vibrant and full lives when we have a high self-esteem. We show up as our best selves when we’ve first taken care of ourselves. Loving, accepting, and appreciating ourselves is necessary for us to be our kindest, best selves. We are better able to love and help others when we’ve loved and helped ourselves first. Having a high self-esteem allows you to do the important work you were meant to do in the world. So what are you waiting for babe? Love yourself. You deserve it. xoxo, Laura

[pextestim pex_attr_name=”Laura Rahél” pex_attr_img=”” pex_attr_org=”E-Course” pex_attr_link=”” pex_attr_parallax=”disabled”]aura Rahél is a 26 year old artist and memory keeper, living in Charlotte, North Carolina. She spends her free time watching cat videos in her sweatpants and advocating self-love. She teaches self-love through scrapbooking in her course Hello, Gorgeous.[/pextestim]

Why do you think it’s important to have high self-esteem? Share in the comments below!

Are you interested in being part of the Self-Love Prompt Series? Select your prompt and send me an e-mail so I can give you more information!