Fostering a child is one of the greatest things you can do to truly transform the life of a young person. Helping a child grow into a confident, happy young adult is one of the most rewarding things you can experience, but we know that the process isn’t always plain sailing. Here are some of the best self-care tips for foster parents to keep you feeling your best.
Take a Family Walk
A family walk is a great opportunity to bond with your foster child, as well as a well-needed chance to relax. Enjoying the great outdoors lets you shake off the stress of everyday life while spending quality time with your loved ones – the perfect addition to any self-care session. Not only this, but it also keeps you moving, and exercise is one of the most important elements of staying healthy while fostering, ensuring you can provide the best care to the newest member of your family.
Cook Healthy Meals
Self-care doesn’t just need to be about lighting candles and running a bubble bath! There is a popular saying that a healthy body is a healthy mind, and this is definitely the case for foster parents and children. Cooking nutritious meals for both you and your family will ensure that your bodies are healthy, and this is a great way to practice self-care and build a happy home environment.
Create a Good Sleep Routine
Getting adequate, good-quality sleep is an important part of self-care, but it’s even more vital for foster parents, who not only need to care for their own health but also that of a child or young person. Turning off blue light devices an hour before bed, and sleeping at the same time each evening not only boosts your sleep health, but it also sets a good example for the rest of the family.
Talk About Your Feelings
Talking about your feelings is particularly beneficial for foster kids, who may have difficulty forming close connections or adapting to regular changes in their daily routines due to previous instability, but it is equally important for foster parents too. Be honest with your family, close friends, and other foster parents. If you’re not coping well, talk about it. There are a huge number of resources that you can access around the different types of foster care at, so why not take a look to see what might work for you?
Reach Out for Help
Professional help doesn’t just need to come in the form of therapy – you should also be sure to utilise the existing support networks that are in place for foster parents, like respite. Respite is a short-term break from care, during which your foster child will be temporarily cared for by another, experienced foster carer. While your fostering journey will be a rewarding and life-changing experience, it can be difficult at times, and it’s important that when you feel overwhelmed you make use of the services available to help you without feeling guilty.
If you’re already a foster parent, or you’re planning on fostering soon, prioritizing self-care is paramount. Not only does it allow you to be your best self, but it also helps the whole family to build healthy habits for the future.