For episode six of my podcast, I interviewed Ashley Beaudin, who you might know from #TheImperfectBoss! I recorded this back when I was visiting my friend, Janice, in Utah after a break-up. I remember sitting on an air mattress on the floor covered in surprise balloons on my travel microphone, trying to orchestrate time zones. I’ve never stopped following Ashley, and she’s only gotten more incredible, more steadfast, and more on brand with her mission and movement! I’m so proud of her, and definitely follow her on Instagram!
It’s been three years almost to the date since I posted this, so the Imperfect Boss has evolved along with Ashley’s business. You can check out her other amazing services on her beautiful site, like how to make your own campaign, culture creation, coaching (specifically with self-sabotage).
In this podcast we talk about:
- Her Imperfect Boss movement and how it made such a big splash, and why we think it resonated with people so much
- Us nerding out over Babe Bosses
- Why entrepreneurs are willing to share their flaws in a world where we’re pressured to be so curated online
- Seeing both sides of glossy projects and the behind the scenes world
- Are we getting tired of seeing perfect?
- The evolution of the Imperfect Boss Campaign with Instagram Stories and including “I’m still awesome because ___”, etc.
- How it’s easy to come up with flaws, but the hard part might actually be sharing or coming up with the “why I’m awesome” part
- Advice on self-love, especially for entrepreneurs
- Me getting all intense at the idea that someone doesn’t agree with why we’re awesome
- The power of creating your own job description/title and maybe the additional pressures that come with that
- How Ashley answers the question, “How are you an Imperfect Boss”? and, “Why are you a bad ass girl boss?“
Lastly, if you’d like to apply to be an interviewee on Uncustomary Love, please fill out this form.
Photo Credit: itsjacquiek with jessilaurenphoto.