I know what I like, and because of that it’s very easy to get into a rut. But tonight, and time’s like tonight, I get inspired and that’s what all of those days work towards. I hope to get to a point that the space in between these nights is not so far apart. But everything is a work in progress. Here’s to never peaking and consistently improving.
So what am I inspired by tonight? The mess in my room. This is usually something that gives me anxiety, but tonight the piles represent excitement and creativity. I started using the sticker maker Matt got me for my birthday, and I made stickers to post up as part of the Spread The Love installment that I want to keep going with Miki.
There’s also my Awe-Manac which gave me a creativity tip tonight: “do some work that prepares you for the creative accident to happen; look up some facts, daydream with a focus on your idea, expose yourself to something different or inspiring, defy the rut today, make a list of ideas.”
I’m inspired by the quote I read last night from Yayoi Kusama
“…a polka-dot has the form of the sun, which is a symbol of the energy of the whole world and our living life, and also the form of the moon, which is calm. Round, soft, colorful, senseless and unknowing. Polka-dots become movement… Polka-dots are a way to infinity.”
… but more by her story which involves her inspiration from personal hallucinations.
I am perpetually inspired by Keri Smith and her ideas. Although, lately, it’s not as much the ideas that she’s come up with specifically.. it’s that I can make my own and provide inspiration to others if I choose to do so. Did I mention today is her birthday?
I’m going to do something great, you know. This is the summer that begins my greatness.
Read more about Yayoi Kusama on her personal site and her biography on Artsy. She’s an incredibly interesting person.