Hey there, it’s time for some internet round-ups. I threw my lasso out on the world wide web and found some glittery things for you to fawn over, some hilarious things for you to laugh till you cry at, and some inspiring things for you to shut your laptop and go live because of. Enjoy!
100 ways to spend a Saturday
A free podcast from some very lovely ladies on fashion + beauty
How to not die while going after your dreams
Bee + Puppycat
Questions non-bloggers ask bloggers
22 free/cheap things to do when pay day is far away
Want to be a part of a group that spreads magic with their missions?
Holy explosion in Russia, Batman!
Bricolage – Keri Smith
7 ways to treat depression
Unconventional body affirmations
Hilarious tweet to defer theft
100-year-old time capsule found in Baltimore
28 things sure to make you laugh
Improv Everywhere: Pirates
Making Mail – a documentary
What have you seen on the internet in the past month that’s worth mentioning? Share it in the comments!