Time for the monthly internet round-up of things that have made me laugh or think enough to share. I hope you enjoy it! And feel free to add links in the comments.

+ Amy Poehler blowing confetti

+ Nonconformity & the creative life

+ Charles Bukowski’s top 10 tips for living a kick-ass life

+ The most beautiful break-up advice I’ve ever read

+ Ilana Glazer’s advice on YOU

+ Charlie Day’s commencement speech at Merrimack College

 I know I will be judged, by all those who are to watch, and compared. But my lesson is this: I don’t give a shit. You cannot let a fear of failure, or a fear of comparison, or a fear of judgment stop you from doing what’s going to make you great. You cannot succeed without this risk of failure. You cannot have a voice without the risk of criticism. And you cannot love without the risk of loss. – Charlie Day

+ Ke$ha jumping on a bed, covered in sequins

+ The most absurd erotic fiction you will ever read

+ A time lapse video of Baltimore

+ Sidewalk chalk photobooth inspiration

+ Charlie & Zac are neighbors

+ I guest posted on Daisy Yellow

+ Katie & Matt did an interactive installation with a payphone

+ Beautiful street art

+ Dudes with beards eating cupcakes (a dream come true)

+ Wiggle pole dance with a clarinet

+ Jim Carrey on following your dreams

+ DIY Confetti Stix

+ Whatchu Know Bout Me; my new favorite Vine

+ This cat wants to play on the rocking horse

+ This quote:

Beautiful people like her are naturally elusive. You can never fully have her, her spirit was born free and had no intentions of changing. Her essence was meant to be shared, and experienced, but on her own terms, not to be possessed and controlled by outside standards or expectation. She was comfortable in her skin, and secure in her own thoughts. Her being attracted attention but she desired much more than to be seen; her appetite was for something bigger than herself. She was here to teach us that it’s less about how you get what you desire and more about how you treat what you value. How effort and appreciation can arrest the heart, and how patience and thoughtfulness can consume the mind. She only desired to be loved fully, but never controlled, she wasn’t here to be handled. And though she was misunderstood by the fearful, and seemed as a bit reckless by the careful. She still existed, whole and unashamed. She was free, alive and full of life in her own world. And it was beautiful to see. – Rob Hill Sr.


+ A cat gives a kitten some cute advice

+ My dad was in the local paper

+ Wonderful Urban Dictionary entry for Baltimore

+ A cow got loose in Baltimore, and people started calling it Cow Ripken


What did you find on the internet recently that you can’t get enough of?