Happy first full week of November, you beautiful people! I hope things are starting off well for you. Last night, I announced that the winner of my 400 ‘likes’ giveaway was Claire. Hopefully, it won’t be long until I set up the 444 ‘likes’ giveaway! Tell your friends that I’m fun, so they like my Facebook page and you can enter to win. *wink*
In terms of mail, I forgot to photograph a lot of my outgoing in the past two weeks. I did send out a lot of Promotion Postcards, but the pictures barely show it. If you’re interested, here are my outgoing stats for October:
Postcards – 58
Envelopes – 52
Packages – 11
Total = 121
Speaking of mail:
+ if you want more electronic mail that’s fun, inspiring, and consistent, you should sign up for Inspiration For Your Inbox!
+ if you want more snail mail that’s themed, creatively packaged, and a surprise, you should sign up for Monthly Marvels! (Wednesday is your last chance to sign up for November’s package.)
Now, what you want: mail eye candy!
Look at the lovely personalized mail art from Erica! She also sent me Keri Smith’s new publication of postcards, and on the right you see one of many recent care packages from Karen.
Look at that mail/cat postcard! A personal photo from the sender
I love the way Linsey draws hearts…
Miki sent me mail in a zip lock baggy and Sara showers me with mail
Postcard poems and colorful envelopes
On the right is an example of one of Keri Smith’s postcards, top middle is Halloween mail from Michelle, and that beautiful tape on the bottom is from Donovan of the LWA
First round of up Halloween mail
Second round of Halloween mail — These all came within three days! So glad I checked my mail on 10/31
More of the aforementioned care packaged from Karen
Look at that hand stitched card from Nicole!
Haha, that top left postcard is all about alcoholics, from the lovely Post Muse
Some of the promotional postcards… did you get yours yet??
A peek at my home mailbox
What’s been in your mailbox lately?
oooh Hi Mary! Im just catching up with your blawg! Erica’s mail art in the top photo is so so soooo GREAT! Does she have a blog too? The picture of your postbox with all the cool mail peeping out is really cool too! SWOOOON! I wish I had a mail box, I just have a little flappy bit in my door that the post gets posted through… I wrote you a letter… buttttt I wrote it months ago and forgot to post it! Gahhh. I think I wrote it in spring! And there may be another one floating around here somewhere. Do you you think I should just mail it to you anyway.. or should I just open it myself and read it and throw it out?
I did get my postcard–thank you! It took me a full minute to figure out the image 🙂