A fun filled mail week ended with a mail meet up/Letter Writing Social at the US Postal Museum. I already posted about it, but it was still a super fun time!
Last Monday I picked up a bunch of envelopes, postcards, and a rainbow package! (Reason #14 why I love my post office: the guy who works there was in the back and saw that I was waiting in a long line just to pick up mail so he brought out my package and let me cut the line.) Thanks go out to Laurie, Steffi, Erica, Beth, KDJ, Athanasia, Amy, and Pamela.
The rainbow package was from Marguerite. I waited to get home to open it so I could photograph it and it was worth the wait. Here’s what it looked like when I opened the box up.
And then I unflapped the colorful material and found all of these awesome things.
One of the items she sent me was a Sark book which I’m proud to say I’ve read over 100 pages of. Here’s a close up of the stamps on the package.
More thanks to Nicole, Meg, and Nathan who I received mail from on Friday (but didn’t get a chance to photograph).
I’ve got a pretty large stack of mail going out today. First off are the envelopes for the giveaway winners (and participants).
Next is mail that I made while I was at the Letter Writing Social.
Here’s some mail that I sent out last Tuesday.
I hope that you all had wonderful mail days this past week and many more to come this week. What was in your mailbox last week?