Ahh, mail! Excited to be posting about mail again. ๐Ÿ™‚ I had a lot of mail waiting for me when I returned home from Utah and it was awesome! I want to start with recognizing my box of hope that I got from Franck de Las Mercedes. It’s part of The Priority Boxes Art Project and it’s a really cool thing. I’ve mentioned it before but make sure you support the project or request your own box!

So colorful and lovely. Thanks, Franck!

Now check out all this mail that was in one little PO Box!! It’s awesome. Thank you guys so much for making my box and me so happy this week.

I sent out a few postcards while I was on vacation and I wrote a bunch of messages to people on blank postcards I brought with me on my plane ride home. All of these should be reaching their destinations very soon if they haven’t already arrived. Here’s some of those cards.

And here’s some mail I sent before I went to Utah.

I also have 18 letters going out today (I did a lot of catching up this weekend), but I’ll save that picture for next week. ๐Ÿ™‚

What’s been good in your mailbox lately?