Another Monday. More mail. I keep forgetting to document my incoming and outgoing mail. I’m still receiving and responding, though! I promise.
Here are some of the things I’ve received recently.

from Linsey, Erica, Suzie, Rose, Marguerite, Danielle, and Rob


from Sara, Pamela, Juliana, and Laura
from Diane, Deborah, Marian, Stephanie, Jennifer, LWA, Bianca, and Sarah
big end of the year package from Lindsay
the back
…And I’m slowly, but surely responding to you guys!

including two postcards for my first week of writing prompts from Michelle
I also sent out packets of your top ten happy lists, to those of you who did it over 6 times in 2012. I hope these are really helpful for you guys! You should get them really soon!
And some random envelopes of stuff to some penpals and random addresses from send-something, which are also part of my 26 Acts of Kindness project.. more to come soon!What’s been in your mailbox lately?